(NE Alliance) Survivor Voice: Implementing Survivors’ Perspective in DV Cases in the Juvenile Court System (7/10/2024 Virtual)

2 modules

Course Length
60 mins

Nebraska Alliance Training Network



Join us for our 2024 Virtual MDT Lunch and Learn Series, hosted this month from 12:30PM-1:30PM CT!

Survivor Voice: Implementing Survivors’ Perspective in DV Vases in the Juvenile Court System

Presented by:

Elizabeth Straham, MA, MPhil
MDT Coordinator
Project Harmony


Heather A. Werthmann, BS
MDT Coordinator
Project Harmony


This training will provide an example of how to implement Survivor Voice, the perspective of the non-offending parents in domestic violence cases, into 1184 Multi-Disciplinary Teams (MDTs). You will gain a better understanding of the benefit of Survivor Voice and the collaborative efforts used when staffing child abuse and neglect cases on MDTs. This training will provide a brief overview of 1184 Multi-Disciplinary Teams, the impact that domestic violence has on families, the importance of looking at cases through a domestic violence informed lens, and how to partner with the survivor during MDT case reviews. Participants will walk away with a greater understanding of the important of looking at cases from a survivor first perspective.


Learning Objectives:

1. Recognize the effects that domestic violence has on families within the child welfare system.

2. Discover the importance of staffing domestic violence cases on 1184 Multi-Disciplinary Teams.

3. Understand the necessity of implementing Survivor Voice into the case reviews.

4. Exploring case reviews where Survivor Voice has been used and how that reveals the influence of domestic violence on the case.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Certificate of Completion

Learning Credits


(NE Alliance) Survivor Voice: Implementing Survivors’ Perspective in DV Cases in the Juvenile Court System (7/10/2024 Virtual)

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